Friday, January 25, 2013

This Week's Pinterest Finds: January 21-25

If you're like me at all, you probably love Pinterest. While thinking about cutting back some, I can't help it and pin like crazy anyway.

This week, I found a few great travel pins. (These and more can be found on my Pinterest page)

Free vintage map printables
This amazing Tangled look-alike castle in France

I hope you like them too! Have a great weekend :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The One Where I Learn to Crochet

I must be so brave. And bored.

A few nights ago, I fell upon Maybe Matilda, and her crochet tutorials. I thought "Why don't I do this? I know the basic things and we have all of the items to do it. Plus I need more scarves and hats, and they cost a lot."

I grabbed my ball of yarn, crochet hook, computer, and mom (she helped me some with the basic steps), and started in on my project. After a bit, I decided to crochet an infinity scarf that seemed simple enough.

With a few complications and me messing it up somehow, it still worked out great! I'm loving my new scarf, and my new hobby.

I also made a headband/ear warmer, and am currently working on another scarf!


I have a feeling I'll waste a lot of time making crochet items, but I'm definitely okay with that :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The One About the Great Day

So far, today has been a pretty great day. I got to sleep in (until 9 am!), has quesadillas for lunch, only have one class, and Bible study is tonight.

You know what else makes today so great? Here's your cue to say "Yes, we want to know! Please tell us!!"

Well, if you insist.

Yesterday on my instagram (@tonyaloewen), I posted a picture of the crochet scarf I made the other day. I was surprised of the amount of likes on it, but one stood out to me.

See the like that shows the name? Rachel from Maybe Matilda liked my crochet project! YAY!

You may not know this yet, but I was inspired to start crocheting again from her posts. (I'll post more about this soon). I'm super excited that she liked my scarf!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wish I Was Here: England

Like many other people, I cannot wait until I can travel Europe. While I'm still stuck here in Kansas, at least I can dream, right?
Right now I'm loving pretty much all of England and can't wait to experience more than just pictures and videos of it, but actually be there.

How can you not love it? From the breathtaking scenery to the amazing sites to the incredible architecture to the charm (and accent), I'm officially in love.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The One With the Spider Bite

The other day I realized that I had a bite on my stomach. It wasn't very big, I didn't feel any pain, and I don't know when it happened.

My parents then told me it was a spider bite that I probably got while sleeping.

OH. MY. GOODNESS. A spider came in my bed, crawled on me, and bit me?!?!

You could say I was a bit freaked out.


Apparently, this is quite common. Super gross and makes me not want to ever sleep again, especially in my room, but at least it was harmless. 

If you ever get a spider bite, here's a list of some things to do:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The One Where I Went To Japan


Can it be? Already 6 whole months since I was in Japan? Was I really halfway around the world? It seems like last week, yet some parts have become blurry.

Yes, that is the famous Mt. Fuji! I woke up at sunrise (4:30 am, no biggie) with a friend to take this picture.

At the beginning of July 2012, I went with a group of nine other people from my church to Okutama and Tokyo, Japan for two weeks. We helped with the Japan SEND annual conference, from Vacation Bible School for the kids to leading worship and providing the speaker.

It was amazing, from seeing the missionaries and hearing their stories, to traveling around JAPAN. The scenery was breathtaking, with plants and water everywhere. Could it be more different? I live in Kansas, everyone. Southwest Kansas.

Here's some highlights from my trip:
+ One day I went on a walk around the Tama River with some friends and took hours of pictures on my then-brand new dSLR. I think it was somewhere around 800 pictures or so? Yeah, you could say it was kind of pretty there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The One Where I Will Follow

Lately a song that has really touched me is "I Will Follow" by Chris Tomlin. It's about living for God wholeheartedly and following Him through everything and trusting the He has a plan.

With my not having much of a plan for these next few years, I really needed these words. I long to be like this, where I put all of my trust in God, not just when I feel like it.

Where God wants me to go, I will go.
Where He wants me to stay, I will stay.
Where He wants me to move, I will move.
But most of all, I will follow Him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The One Where I Start A Blog

Hello, friends! I'm venturing out into new waters here by starting this blog. Figuratively, of course; I would be terrified to be out in the middle of the ocean.

Wishfully Wandering is my personal blog about wanting to travel the world, growing up, making crafts, and my slight obsessions. I hope you'll stay with me throughout this upcoming journey, as well as relish in the past together.

I'd appreciate all feedback from you, my readers, since I am quite new to the blogging world. At least in this side of it; I've been admiring many bloggers and their blogs for a while.

Part of the reason why I made Wishfully Wandering is to connect with others. What better way to connect with practically anyone in the world than on the internet? I want to connect with others in the same boat as me, for school and future, as well as many other realms.

The second part of why you're reading this post right now is because of the new year. It's 2013. Who (besides God) knows what this year holds for me? After this next semester of school, I have a wide open book for my life. I don't know what I'll be doing in a year, let alone in 6 months. You can ride along with me as I find out the next steps in my life, or maybe help me figure out my calling?

So what do you say; will you be Wishfully Wandering too?